We are neighbors from across Hyattsville who have come together to help seniors in Hyattsville stay in their homes as long as possible. We are part of the “village” movement – peers helping peers – and created this organization because one didn’t exist for our friends and family members who needed help as they aged. We range in age – 20s and younger to 90s – and have created an intergenerational network to work on the health, safety, growth and social experiences of Hyattsville seniors. All Hyattsville residents are welcome.
HAP recruits seniors and volunteers to help residents of the City of Hyattsville over 60 with errands, transportation to doctors and shopping, and various occasional chores. HAP runs informational meetings throughout the year and works with the City to make sure that seniors are well represented in activities and in City services. HAP was very active in creating the Age Friendly plan recently adopted by the City. It also persuaded the City to hire a Senior Services Coordinator, currently Ms. Beryl Johnson – 301 985 5058 – to help the City’s aging population with problems and to help them stay active.
Recent experiences – our own, those of family members, our neighbors – taught us that changes in independence can come very quickly and unexpectedly. Rather than going this process alone, we thought we could share information and learn from each other’s experiences and solutions.
Assisting Hyattsville residents to stay in their homes as long as possible – and to remain active and have fun! through Neighbors helping Neighbors.
They are individuals – residents of the City of Hyattsville – who may need help with some activities to stay in their homes. They are also individuals who offer to help. The latter are referred to as “volunteers.” We encourage everyone to do both – offer what you can, ask for what you need.
Possibilities include transportation to medical appointments, shopping and social events; check-in calls, friendly visits, and help with small tasks around the home. HAP also can refer members to vendors to help with larger tasks, including yard work, major home repairs and health assistance. HAP has a lending closet too!
Through an application process that includes an interview, liability waivers, a background check and orientation and training.
You must be a resident of the City of Hyattsville and be over 60 or disabled and have enrolled through an application process that includes an interview, an orientation and liability waivers. HAP asks all members to pay a $20 annual fee to help us cover insurance and supplies.
After the application process, the “Neighbor” calls the HAP phone (301 887 3101) and explains what they need. A volunteer records needed information (name, address, phone, email if any and what is needed and sends it to a volunteer coordinator. The volunteer coordinator identifies a possible volunteer. Information is shared with the volunteer and the volunteer contacts the Neighbor making the request and arranges time for the request.
There is no charge for the volunteer help beyond annual dues. HAP membership is only $35 per year for individuals and $40 total for a couple ($20 for each). These funds cover our meetings, insurance, supplies. Sometimes HAP provides names of vendors who might help and then the individual would pay the vendor.
HAP holds events (informational meetings, potlucks, health fairs, and other social and educational activities) throughout the year. You can find these events on the calendar on the homepage. Most meetings are held at the City of Hyattsville Municipal Building (4310 Gallatin St.)
HAP’s Board of Directors meets on a regular basis, usually monthly and its committees set their own schedules but meet at least quarterly. HAP holds an annual meeting for all members in the fall of each year, generally in September.
HAP has a members’ online discussion group HyattsvilleAginginPlace@groups.io where members can stay in touch, a Facebook page where we have discussions and post information about events and a website, HyattsvilleAginginPlace.org.
To join the HAP IO group, click here, then click on “Join Group.” Sign in with your Yahoo account username and password, if you have one, or select “create an account.” Once you’ve created an account, follow the prompts and you’ll arrive on the HAP Yahoo Groups page. Select “Manage My Groups” on the left side of the page and then go to the pull down menu under Mail Subscription to choose how you’d like to receive HAP listserv emails (Individual or Daily Digest). Then you’re all set!