
Hyattsville Aging in Place (HAP) is committed to making Hyattsville an age-friendly community for people of all ages.  Sign-up to get support.

Topic Organization Description Contact information, web link
Local Directories, Services, and Lists
Resources Locator City of Hyattsville Enter your zip code and search for low- and no-cost resources in Hyattsville and the surrounding area, including those that provide food, healthcare, housing, job training, and more. Resources
Services for Seniors and People with Disabilities City of Hyattsville Resource about the services, programs and events for seniors and people with disabilities, such as Ageless Grace exercise program, Call-A-Bus, Hyattsville Heroes Program (help with yard and home maintenance), and Arts Classes. Senior and Disability Services
Phone: (301) 985-5058
Resources and Support for Older Adults Living Alone: A Comprehensive Guide (2023) National Council on Aging A guide to a wide range of resources, programs, and supports for older adults with a particular focus on those who live alone. NCOA Resources for Older Adults Living Alone
Services for older adults and their families Eldercare Locator A public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging connecting you to services for older adults and their families AoA Eldercare Locator
Healthcare Providers Provider Comparison A tool for comparing nursing homes and rehab facilities in specific locations Care Compare
Caregiver Resources Various List of local resources for caregivers and Support groups Resources for Caregivers
Exercise Programs Various List of local, free or reduced-fee programs for older adults Exercise Options
Music Venues Various Lists of local live music venues, festivals, and other music resources Music Venues
Travel Groups Various List of national and international travels groups for older adults Senior Travel Resources
Reports, Publications
Age Friendly Initiative City of Hyattsville, Age Friendly Initiative Work Group This document is the City’s plan to improve conditions for people of all ages in the City of Hyattsville, with a specific focus on the senior population. It was written in accordance with the guidelines provided by the AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities, of which the City seeks to be a continuing member. The City joined the network in January of 2017.Refer to Appendix 4 (pg46): Resources for information on Housing, and Home & Community-based Services Hyattsville Action Plan to Increase Age Friendliness
Free Publications about Aging National Institute on Aging National Institute on Aging’s publications ordering site! Here you can order free publications about healthy aging, such as “A Guide for Older People: Talking with your doctor” You can order online at, call the NIA Information Center at 1-800-222-2225, or email
Capable Home Modification Program Habitat for Humanity Metro Maryland Habitat for Humanity Metro Maryland offers home modification services to eligible senior residents.  Habitat CAPABLE Program
Creative housing options AARP Information to explain housing options for older adults as well as lists of books, articles, and fact sheets and reports. AARP Creative Housing Options
Guide for Making Housing Decisions National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) Housing options for older adults n4a Making Housing Decisions Guide
Guide to Transportation Services for Older Adults and Persons with Disabilities City of Hyattsville
Hyattsville Aging in Place
This handy booklet provides an overview of public transportation, on-demand transportation, and ride/bike sharing services available in Hyattsville with a focus on how find, schedule, and use them. The guide is available in English and Spanish. Hyattsville Transportation Services (English)
Servicios de Transporte de Hyattsville (Español)
Call-A-Bus City of Hyattsville Hyattsville’s Call-a-Bus offers seniors and people with disabilities transportation to medical appointments, pharmacies and grocery stores within a six-mile radius of the City. The bus offers curb-to-curb service from outside a resident’s home to their destination. Phone: (301) 985-5000
Call-A-Cab Prince George’s County Call-A-Cab is a transportation assistance program that provides mobility at a reduced cost for County seniors (age 60+) and/or County persons with disabilities. This program allows eligibRle residents to purchase coupon books that can be used to pay for rides with participating cab companies.   Phone: (301) 883-5656
Healthcare Resources
Memory Care Diagnosing and Managing Conditions that Cause Memory Change This presentation from the UCSF Memory and Aging Center helps outline the benefits of early diagnosis and treatment of memory conditions, such as dementia and Alzheimer’s NCNW Presentation
Insurance information ACA Health Insurance Enrollment Checklist AARP’s ACA Health Insurance Enrollment Checklist helps you understand health insurance costs, coverage, subsidies and how to sign up for a plan under the Affordable Care Act ACA Health Insurance Enrollment Checklist
Insurance information Medicare Plans in Maryland Affordable Health Insurance’s Guide to Medicare Plans in Maryland outlines how to choose a plan that meets your needs and includes a comparison of Maryland Medicare plans and costs, along with information about local Medicare resources. Despite its name, the guide’s developer does not sell or provide healthcare plans Medicare Plans in Maryland
Employment Resources
Employment AARP’s Job Search Resources for 50+ Links and advice to help support searching for a job as an older adult. AARP Job Search Resources
Employment Senior Community Service Employment Program RésuméBuilder page discussing how to use the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), resources for older veterans, and state-specific job boards and employment resources. Senior Community Service Employment Program
Education Resources
Prince George’s Community College PGCC Senior Programs Adults 60+ are eligible to take tuition-free classes, including classes for academic credit. PGCC Senior Programs
University System of Maryland Golden ID Program Retired adults 60+ are eligible to take a variety of courses at University System of Maryland institutions, including the University of Maryland, College Park, and Bowie State University. Golden ID
National Organizations
General information about aging AARP AARP’s website provides useful information and resources on topics such as: health and wellness; economic security and work; long-term care and independent living; and personal enrichment
General information about aging American Society on Aging The American Society on Aging is a nonprofit organization committed to enhancing the knowledge and skills of those working with older adults and their families. Site offers useful resources on a variety of aging-related topics.